Sunday, February 13, 2011

Katie Holmes Drinks The CRAZY Kool Aid!

Once upon a time, I loved Katie Holmes Then she married her couch jumping, post partum depression-denying husband, gave birth to his spawn and successfully forced me to deny all fond Dawson's Creek marathon memories.. But Katie, Katie, Katie! This takes the cake.

Apparently Suri's mama was heard talking about trying for baby number two with Husband Tom Cruise.

Said the actress:
"Suri would love a brother or sister to play with. I think it would be good for her. It’s hard to say no to her."

Because nothing screams "make another baby" like "I can't handle my first one!"

This "my child wants a sibling, and I'm going to give in to him/her" approach rankles particularly because I hear it . . . constantly. Give her a sibling? Why should it be up to her? This isn't a Wii, or even the latest pair of shoes from the Gucci children collection. THIS IS ANOTHER LIFE. You don't have a return policy with this. Get her a dog... see how long it takes her until she's bored with it. What if the 2nd child you have asks for another sibling? You gonna keep popping them out like litters of puppies?

Our kids don't carry our babies. They don't breastfeed them. Or get up in the middle of the night with them, pay for their diapers and shoes and college. They don't bear the emotional burden of raising their siblings to adulthood. In short, they have nothing to do with the important issues upon which a decision to have a child are based.

Although Katie and Tom have a little less to deal with -- they don't really worry about the cost of college -- they're still the adults in this situation who will have to bear the brunt of raising their little girl's newest desired object. And if their eldest is so spoiled that her parents will make a person for her, good luck introducing baby number two without a nasty onset of sibling rivalry!